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在The Grafton寻找特别的情人节酒店优惠。情人节是一年中爱意满满的时刻。让你今年在爱尔兰的情人节周末假期变得格外特别,与你爱的人或你最好的朋友在格拉夫顿酒店分享爱。无论是浪漫的双人周末假期,还是只是找个借口和你最好的朋友一起离开,以及 探索这个城市都柏林是与你生命中的那个特别的人一起访问的理想目的地。我们的 情人节酒店套餐一定会让你再次坠入爱河。



The Share the Love with Your Loved One package includes:


经典双人修饰_ccexpress (1)

Friends In The City

The Friend in the City package includes:
  • Overnight stay
  • Breakfast in the morning
  • Bottle of Prosecco and Nibbles in the Bar
  • 延迟退房和提前入住*
  • Discounted off-site parking nearby


Bartley's Bar

Share The Love at Bartley's

Celebrate in style and enjoy a romantic meal with your loved one this Valentine’s Day with a date night at Bartley's Bar in the heart of Dublin City.

3-Course Dinner: €55-€65 per person.

Valentine's Set Menu