Easter Family Break At The Grafton Hotel Dublin
在格拉夫顿酒店过夜来款待你的复活节小兔子。我们位于都柏林的中心,我们的位置让您有机会 探索都柏林所能提供的最好的东西。
It is ideally located close to a range of activities perfectly suited for family activities whether it is a tour of the GAA museum or one of Croke Parks skyline experiences, a visit to EPIC, Dublin Zoo and plenty of shopping and family treats all close to the hotel.
5 sweet reasons to stay at The Grafton Hotel for your Family Easter Break.
Check out out all our special offers here.
Family Easter Break Package
无论是两个人的度假,还是令人兴奋的家庭逃亡,格拉夫顿酒店都是最好的地方 在探索都柏林市所提供的一切的同时,与家人度过一些高质量的时间。
Our Easter Family Breaks package includes:
- 在格拉夫顿酒店舒适地过夜
- 为全家人提供全套爱尔兰自助早餐
- 抵达时给孩子们的复活节惊喜
- 成人的复活节鸡尾酒
- 24小时内可免费取消。没有预订费,只需在到达酒店时付款。
- 酒店旁边有优惠的停车场。
- 由于我们的地理位置极佳,你可以步行到任何地方。
- 步入式淋浴器。
- 优质的Ritual沐浴用品。
- 豪华客房提供蓬松浴袍和拖鞋
- 客房和套房
- 高线数的床上用品。
- 具有铬铸造功能的平板电视。
- 开放式壁橱。
- 工作桌有舒适的座椅和台灯。
- 茶和咖啡制作设施。
- 一个迷你冰箱,里面有免费的水瓶。
The Grafton Hotel Family Special Offers

Family City Escape Package
Treat the whole family to a city break in Dublin. Our Family City Escape package includes:
- Spacious Family Room
- 每天早上的全套爱尔兰自助早餐
- Complimentary Grafton Teddy for the kids.
- Save costs with one Family Room instead of three rooms.

Dublin Zoo Package
Escape to Dublin while visiting Dublin Zoo with your family!
Our Dublin Zoo Family Break Offer includes:
- Spacious Family Room
- Family Pass* to Dublin Zoo
- Discounted off-site parking nearby
- 免费超快无线网络

Slip away from the every day and save up to 20% off our best available rate when you stay 5 nights at The Grafton Hotel.
- Spacious air-conditioned room.
- Luxury in-room amenities including Nespresso coffee machines and Rituals bathroom amenities.
- Discounted off-site parking nearby